Face Shapes: Pulling and twisting
Are you familiar with making face tracking shapes?
If you are not familiar with creating shapes yourself, the Unified Expressions documentation on VRCFaceTracking can be a good reference.
Most other shapes will involve pulling and twisting parts of the mesh. If you’re familiar with Blender, this is somewhat similar to proportional editing.
- Press “Reset position and rotation” to move the handles back to the positions of the construction lines.
When building shapes for the first time, the shapes will look mangled. Systematically press the “Reset position and rotation” buttons to fix the shape before you start working on it the first time.
- Move the gizmo to pull the vertices.
- Rotate the gizmo to twist the vertices.
- Use the purple cubic handle to increase the range of the selection (the size of the brush). The purple circle represents the location where the brush is at 50% of the maximum distance after which vertices will be unaffected.
- The curve in the inspector defines how the vertices are smoothed. The default value should be fine for most, but in some cases like Lip Funnel,
- Lip Pucker, Mouth Upper Up, Mouth Lower Down, and some others, you may want to look into changing that shape.