Upload and Export
FaceTra Shape Creator does only one thing: create face tracking blendshapes on your avatar.
To make your avatar actually make use of those fresh new blendshapes, you need to integrate with your preferred application (VRChat, Resonite, VSeeFace, ...).
Integrations are not handled by FaceTra Shape Creator, but by other assets and tools created by either the community or natively, depending on your app.
Test in Play Mode
The blendshapes will be created automatically when you enter Play mode or when you build your avatar.
Use in-game
For the avatar to work in-game, you need a custom animator controller and parameters.
You need to install an existing VRCFaceTracking template on your avatar, for instance:
- Adjerry91's VRCFaceTracking template is one of the most popular animator templates for face tracking, and it is the one used in the demonstration videos of this documentation.
After uploading, make sure you reset your OSC config when you install face tracking on your avatar for the first time.
To use the avatar in Resonite:
- If you are using Unity Editor 2019 (like in an old VRChat 2019 project), download and install the UniVRM v0.99.4 package.
- If you are NOT using Unity Editor 2019, download the UniVRM package for your Unity version, most likely the latest one.
- In the Hai’s FaceTra Shape Creator component, open “Export to Resonite and VRM”, and press the “Start Resonite bake mode” button.
- Export your avatar to the GLB format by using on the top menu “UniGLTF > Export to GLB”.
- Import your GLB avatar mesh into Resonite like you would do for any other avatar. You may need to refer to a Resonite mentor to wire up some of the shapes.