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This does not require VRChat to run. It has been tested to work on Unity 2019 and Unity 2022, and should work on newer versions.

To install without VRChat support, you must follow special installation instructions described below.


The tool is available to Patreon supporters, but it is currently a work in progress as part of the Face Tracking Trials.

If you use this tool, it is highly recommended that you join the Discord server in order to stay up to date and get support as this tool will be rough to use at first.

  • For users using Japanese currency:
    • Patreonをご利用になりたくないサポーターの方は、同じコンテンツにアクセスするためにpixivFANBOX (でサポートを選択できます。
      • ソフトウェアへのアクセスの最低ティアは1000JPY 🌙⭐ です。

Install for VRChat

💬 Requires VRChat

This requires the use of the VRChat Creator Companion in order to automatically build the mesh before upload.

  • Add Modular Avatar listing by clicking on Download (using VCC).
  • In VCC, add the "Non-Destructive Modular Framework" package to your project.
  • Open the downloaded archive and install the .unitypackage in your project.


Install for ChilloutVR

🌆 Requires ChilloutVR


Support for ChilloutVR is new. You may encounter some issues.

If you need help, please check out the Discord server.

Please follow the ChilloutVR Compatibility documentation to use FaceTra Shape Creator in ChilloutVR projects.

Counter-intuitively, during installation, keep the folder called dev.hai-vr.facetra-shape-creator.vrc checked.

Install for Resonite or other apps

🌊 Any Platform, except VRChat

You can start a new Unity project in Unity 2022, or reuse a VRChat project in Unity 2022 or Unity 2019.

Open the downloaded archive and install the .unitypackage in your project, but during installation, uncheck the folder called dev.hai-vr.facetra-shape-creator.vrc

If you want to install for Resonite or other apps, I’m interested, please ping me on the Discord server.