This is an advance notice regarding a future change for Prefabulous Avatar.
In a future update, Prefabulous will be split into two packages:
- Prefabulous Universal will be a package that does not require VRChat, and will contain the following components:
- Change Avatar Scale
- Edit All Mesh Anchor Override
- Edit All Mesh Bounds
- Assign UV Tile
- Convert Blendshape Conventions
- Delete Polygons
- HaiXT Generate Blendshapes for Face Tracking Extensions
- Recalculate Normals
- Replace Textures
- Prefabulous for VRChat will be a package that requires VRChat, and will contain the following components:
- HaiXT Face Tracking Extensions
- Lock Locomotion Menu Item
- Mass Blendshape Sync
- Import Expression Parameters
- Blank Expressions Menu and Parameters
- Blank FX Animator
- Blank Gesture Animator
- Replace Action Animator
- Replace Locomotion Animator
The aim of this split is to allow the development of Prefabulous Universal components in a way that benefits avatar frameworks
of other social VR platforms, apps, and non-social VR apps (for instance, any VRM-compatible app).
Most Prefabulous for VRChat components will depend on VRChat-specific animators and animation quirks,
or component structures pertaining specifically to VRChat that would be uncommon in other social VR apps.
For most VRChat users, this change should be invisible if you use VCC.
If you are a developer who internally references classes or entities within Prefabulous, some changes are expected as described below.
If you have any questions, please ask me about it on the Discord server.
Thank you for your understanding.
Anticipated changes
For VRChat users
This describes a future update, this has not yet been released at this time of writing.
For most VRChat users, this change should be invisible.
- Installing Prefabulous for VRChat will automatically install Prefabulous Universal as a VCC dependency.
- The existing components in your scenes will continue working as if nothing has changed.
However, if you're installing Prefabulous without VCC, you will need to:
- Open a blank scene in Unity Editor.
- Remove the Packages/dev.hai-vr.resilience.prefabulous folder
- Install the Prefabulous Universal package on GitHub.
- Install the Prefabulous for VRChat package on GitHub.
For developers who might be referencing Prefabulous entities
- The GUIDs for these components will not change.
- The assemblies for most of these components will change.
- The namespace for most of these components will change.
- Some component names will change.
- The prefix "PrefabulousHai" is likely to be changed to just "Prefabulous".
- The NDMF plugin names will change.
- Classes will be moved across packages.
- Many classes used internally by Prefabulous will change name or will be moved around.
- The technical package name of Prefabulous for VRChat will be the same as the one currently used for Prefabulous Avatar.
If you're a developer who might be concerned by such changes, you're invited to let me know about it on the Discord server.