ποΈ Assign UV Tile (UDIM)
Sets the UV Tile of vertices that are moved by a blendshape, or optionally an entire mesh.
ποΈ Change Avatar Scale
Rescales the avatar. The viewpoint will be adjusted accordingly.
ποΈ Convert Blendshape Conventions
Copies blendshapes from one naming convention to another naming convention.
ποΈ Delete Polygons
Delete polygons that are moved by a blendshape.
ποΈ Edit All Mesh Anchor Override
Finds all SkinnedMeshRenderers and all MeshRenderers of the avatar and changes the Anchor Override.
ποΈ Edit All Mesh Bounds
Finds all SkinnedMeshRenderers of the avatar and changes the bounds.
ποΈ Generate Twist Bones (Alpha)
Improves the look of the elbow joint by generating twist bones covering part of the lower arm that is closer to the elbow.
ποΈ HaiXT Generate Blendshapes for Face Tracking Extensions
If you have an avatar that already supports face tracking, this will generate additional non-standard blendshapes for use with HaiXT Face Tracking Extensions.
ποΈ Recalculate Normals
Improves the shading of SkinnedMeshRenderers by recalculating select blendshape normals (and tangents).
ποΈ Replace Textures
Replaces textures inside materials with other ones.