✨ Transfer Blendshape (Starmesh V1.7.0)
✨ New component: Transfer Blendshape
The Starmesh Op. Transfer Blendshape component attempts to create a blendshape on a costume that mimics the movement of a blendshape from another mesh.
Try using this to transfer nail deformations, chest deformations, or hip deformations (i.e. Hip_big
) from a base mesh to a costume.
Combine it with other Selectors to limit the areas affected by the transferred deformations.
This component may not always produce good results.
In addition, if you use other tools that attempt to fit a costume on an avatar it was not designed for (i.e. fitting a costume made for Manuka on a Lime base body), it will probably not work as this operator expects the mesh data to overlap, regardless of how bones are arranged in the scene.