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This is a series of tutorials with voice commentary.

There are quicker video overviews without audio commentary available in the main documentation.

Create a new set of face expressions (Tutorial with audio commentary)

This is a tutorial with audio commentary for the Create a new set of face expressions section of the main documentation.

A quicker video overview without audio commentary is available in the main documentation.

Combining hands (Tutorial with audio commentary)

This is a tutorial with audio commentary for the Combining hands section of the main documentation.

A quicker video overview without audio commentary is available in the main documentation.

This is a tutorial with audio commentary for the Do not blink when eyes are closed section of the main documentation.

A quicker video overview without audio commentary is available in the main documentation.

Apply to the avatar (Tutorial with audio commentary)

This is a tutorial with audio commentary for the Apply to the avatar section of the main documentation.

A quicker video overview without audio commentary is available in the main documentation.

Squeezing the trigger (Tutorial with audio commentary)

This is a tutorial with audio commentary for the Squeezing the trigger section of the main documentation.

A quicker video overview without audio commentary is available in the main documentation.

Animate cat ears, wings and more (Tutorial with audio commentary)

This is a tutorial with audio commentary for the Animate cat ears, wings and more section of the main documentation.

A quicker video overview without audio commentary is available in the main documentation.

Using multiple mood sets (Tutorial with audio commentary)

This is a tutorial with audio commentary for the Using multiple mood sets section of the main documentation.

A quicker video overview without audio commentary is available in the main documentation.

Standalone puppets and blend trees (Tutorial with audio commentary)

This is a tutorial with audio commentary for the Standalone puppets and blend trees section of the main documentation.

A quicker video overview without audio commentary is available in the main documentation.

Permutations (Tutorial with audio commentary)

This is a tutorial with audio commentary for the Permutations section of the main documentation.

A quicker video overview without audio commentary is available in the main documentation.

Mix puppets and gestures (Tutorial with audio commentary)

This is a tutorial with audio commentary for the Mix puppets and gestures section of the main documentation.

A quicker video overview without audio commentary is available in the main documentation.