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Getting started

Initialize Animator As Code

After installing Animator As Code, there are different ways to start depending on your project.

  • Follow the Non-destructive Avatars section:

    • if you are building a personal VRChat avatar and you want to create animators and animations in a non-destructive workflow (ideal for Modular Avatar, NDMF, and VRCFury users), or
    • if you are building a Unity Editor tool and you intend to redistribute the non-destructive generator code to other users.
  • Follow the Barebones section:

    • if you are building a VRChat avatar and you do not want to use a non-destructive workflow, or
    • if you are building a VRChat avatar prefab and you intend to distribute the animator controllers to others, or
    • if you are building a VRChat world, or
    • if you are building non-VRChat content.


When creating personal avatars, you are encouraged to use a non-destructive workflow.

We will use the same framework that Modular Avatar uses, which is NDMF. NDMF will execute the Plugin shown below when the user enters Play Mode, or when the user builds the avatar.

This example shows a simple (non-optimized) toggle using state machines.

  • To use that toggle, the user can add an ExampleToggle component in the avatar, and configure it.
  • When entering Play mode or when building the avatar, the plugin will check if there is at least one ExampleToggle exists in the avatar.
  • If so, it initializes an AnimatorAsCode object which will create assets inside NDMF's asset container.
  • Then, it creates a new Animator Controller.
  • Then, for each ExampleToggle component:
    • it creates a new layer,
    • it creates two states and their animation files to toggle the items,
    • it creates a bool parameter,
    • it creates transitions between those states, with the corresponding conditions.
  • Finally, it creates a Modular Avatar Merge Animator component in order to register that new Animator Controller in the FX Animator. Modular Avatar will take the responsibility to merge the animator.
using AnimatorAsCode.V1;
using AnimatorAsCode.V1.ModularAvatar;
using MyNamespace;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
using VRC.SDK3.Avatars.Components;
using VRC.SDKBase;

// This example uses NDMF. See
[assembly: ExportsPlugin(typeof(ExampleTogglePlugin))]
namespace MyNamespace
public class ExampleToggle : MonoBehaviour, IEditorOnly
// Your MonoBehaviour contains the parameters and scene object references,
// which will be used to generate animations.
public GameObject[] items;
public string parameterName;

public class ExampleTogglePlugin : Plugin<ExampleTogglePlugin>
public override string QualifiedName => "";
public override string DisplayName => "Example Toggle";

private const string SystemName = "ExampleToggle";
private const bool UseWriteDefaults = true;

protected override void Configure()
InPhase(BuildPhase.Generating).Run($"Generate {DisplayName}", Generate);

private void Generate(BuildContext ctx)
// Find all components of type ExampleToggle in this avatar.
var components = ctx.AvatarRootTransform.GetComponentsInChildren<ExampleToggle>(true);
if (components.Length == 0) return; // If there are none in the avatar, skip this entirely.

// Initialize Animator As Code.
var aac = AacV1.Create(new AacConfiguration
SystemName = SystemName,
AnimatorRoot = ctx.AvatarRootTransform,
DefaultValueRoot = ctx.AvatarRootTransform,
AssetKey = GUID.Generate().ToString(),
AssetContainer = ctx.AssetContainer,
ContainerMode = AacConfiguration.Container.OnlyWhenPersistenceRequired,
// (For AAC 1.2.0 and above) The next line is recommended starting from NDMF 1.6.0.
// If you use a lower version of NDMF or if you don't use it, remove that line.
AssetContainerProvider = new NDMFContainerProvider(ctx),
// States will be created with Write Defaults set to ON or OFF based on whether UseWriteDefaults is true or false.
DefaultsProvider = new AacDefaultsProvider(UseWriteDefaults)

// Create a new animator controller.
// This will be merged with the rest of the playable layer at the end of this function.
var ctrl = aac.NewAnimatorController();

for (var index = 0; index < components.Length; index++)
// Create a toggle for each found component.
var toggle = components[index];

// Create a new layer in that animator controller.
var layer = ctrl.NewLayer($"Toggle_{index + 1}");

// The first created state is the default one connected to the "Entry" node.
var hidden = layer.NewState("Hidden")
// The animation path to toggle.items is relative to the animator root.
.WithAnimation(aac.NewClip().Toggling(toggle.items, false));
var shown = layer.NewState("Shown")
.WithAnimation(aac.NewClip().Toggling(toggle.items, true));

// Creates a Bool parameter in the animator.
var itemParam = layer.BoolParameter(toggle.parameterName);

// Creates transitions. By default, the transitions are already configured with our default values.

// Create a new object in the scene. We will add Modular Avatar components inside it.
var modularAvatar = MaAc.Create(new GameObject(SystemName)
transform = { parent = ctx.AvatarRootTransform }

// By creating a Modular Avatar Merge Animator component,
// our animator controller will be added to the avatar's FX layer.
modularAvatar.NewMergeAnimator(ctrl.AnimatorController, VRCAvatarDescriptor.AnimLayerType.FX);

// (For AAC 1.2.0 and above) This is recommended starting from NDMF 1.6.0. You only need to define this class once.
internal class NDMFContainerProvider : IAacAssetContainerProvider
private readonly BuildContext _ctx;
public NDMFContainerProvider(BuildContext ctx) => _ctx = ctx;
public void SaveAsPersistenceRequired(Object objectToAdd) => _ctx.AssetSaver.SaveAsset(objectToAdd);
public void SaveAsRegular(Object objectToAdd) { } // Let NDMF crawl our assets when it finishes
public void ClearPreviousAssets() { } // ClearPreviousAssets is never used in non-destructive contexts

For the sake of this first example, this uses state machines to create a toggle, but this comes at a performance cost, which isn't the state of the art for VRChat avatar animators.

Modern toggles generally use blend trees, this can be done in Animator As Code too.


The following shows the minimal code to use Animator As Code, if your project doesn't fall into the non-destructive Avatars category.

GameObject[] items;

string systemName = "LayerName";
AnimatorController worldController; // Supply the world animator controller asset
Transform animatorRoot; // Supply your animator root located in the world
Object assetContainer; // Supply a project asset where generated assets will be added to
string assetKey = GUID.Generate().ToString(); // Supply a stable key that will be used to keep track of previously generated assets
bool useWriteDefaults = true; // States will be created with Write Defaults set to ON or OFF based on whether UseWriteDefaults is true or false.
var aac = AacV1.Create(new AacConfiguration
SystemName = systemName,
AnimatorRoot = animatorRoot,
DefaultValueRoot = animatorRoot,
AssetKey = assetKey,
AssetContainer = assetContainer,
ContainerMode = AacConfiguration.Container.Everything,
DefaultsProvider = new AacDefaultsProvider(useWriteDefaults)

// Create a new layer in your animator controller.
AacFlLayer layer = aac.CreateSupportingArbitraryControllerLayer(worldController, "ExampleSuffix");

// The first created state is the default one connected to the "Entry" node.
var hidden = layer.NewState("Hidden")
// The animation path to toggle.items is relative to the animator root.
.WithAnimation(aac.NewClip().Toggling(toggle.items, false));
var shown = layer.NewState("Shown")
.WithAnimation(aac.NewClip().Toggling(toggle.items, true));

// Creates a Bool parameter in the animator.
var itemParam = layer.BoolParameter(toggle.parameterName);

// Creates transitions. By default, the transitions are already configured with our default values.

Animator and Animation examples

Toggle a GameObject

public class Example : MonoBehaviour, IEditorOnly
public GameObject item;
public string parameterName;

// # Generator

// The first created state is the default one connected to the "Entry" node.
var hidden = layer.NewState("Hidden")
// The animation path to toggle.items is relative to the animator root.
.WithAnimation(aac.NewClip().Toggling(example.item, false));
var shown = layer.NewState("Shown")
.WithAnimation(aac.NewClip().Toggling(example.item, true));

// Creates a Bool parameter in the animator.
var itemParam = layer.BoolParameter(example.parameterName);

// Creates transitions. By default, the transitions are already configured with our default values.

Toggle a SkinnedMeshRenderer with two conditions

public class Example : MonoBehaviour, IEditorOnly
public GameObject skinnedMesh;

// # Generator

var hidden = layer.NewState("Hidden")
// The runtime type of my.skinnedMesh is used within the animation.
// In this case, the "SkinnedMeshRenderer" component is disabled.
.WithAnimation(aac.NewClip().TogglingComponent(example.skinnedMesh, false));
var shown = layer.NewState("Shown")
.WithAnimation(aac.NewClip().TogglingComponent(example.skinnedMesh, true));

// This creates two Bool parameters in the animator.
// The resulting value can be used in conditions.
var accessoriesParams = layer.BoolParameters("EnableAccessories", "AccessoryThing");

// The following line creates one transition.
// The conditions are "EnableAccessories is true" and "AccessoryThing is true"

// The following line creates two transitions:
// - The first transition is "EnableAccessories is false"
// - The second transition is "AccessoryThing is false"

Reference manual

For more examples, continue to the reference manual.