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Add option to auto-start with SteamVR in the Utility tab.

  • The app now registers itself to SteamVR.
  • --register-manifest On Debug config only: Register the application path to SteamVR. By default, debug builds do not register themselves.
  • --no-register-manifest On Release config only: Do not register the application path to SteamVR.


  • Stay logged in across restarts.
  • Add icons.
  • Fix thumbstick drift was causing input lag in ImGui because of continuous mouse scroll events.


Add Costume switching and Dashboard overlay:

  • Add Costume switching:
    • .png files in the VRChat's OSC folder that start with avtr_ will add a costume.
    • Expected thumbnail size is 256x768, but this may change in the future.
    • Avatar switching is done through the VRChat web API. You need to login to VRChat using the desktop window.
      • Please read the for details on the API in use, and inspect the source code.
  • Add Dashboard overlay:
    • If SteamVR is running, a dashboard overlay will open in addition to the desktop window.

Since this application is not yet user-facing, this changelog is not detailed much. Please see the relevant commits.


  • Add releases through GitHub Actions.