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2024-01 Tundra Labs

To clarify any possible conflict of interest in media platforms, I would like to disclose at my own initiative the nature of some relationships where a product was received for free.

Various products from Tundra Labs (2024-01)

Media summary
Is it a sponsorship?❌ No
Is it a product review?❌ No
Do I have to post content?❌ No
Who initiated an offer or request first?Tundra Labs
Do I already own products from this company that I paid for myself?✔️ Yes (worth >800 USD)
Exchange of value
- Were the products received for free?✔️ Yes (worth ~450 USD)
- Was there any monetary exchange (payment)?❌ No
- Was there any non-monetary exchange besides the products?❌ No
Nature of relationship
- Is there a formally signed contract?❌ No
- Is there a verbal agreement of a relationship?❌ No
- Is a public review expected?❌ No
- Is an endorsement expected?❌ No
- Will I have to return the products?❌ No
- Are we in an existing business relationship?❌ No
  • A Tundra Labs representative has initiated an offer to send products for free.
  • There is no contract, and no expectation of review or endorsement.
    • Any public media is done at my own initiative.
  • I already own products from this company that I paid for myself.
  • Some of the products were sent by Tundra Labs' following my verbal intent that I would build a feet attachment as part of a personal project.
  • Some extra products were sent by Tundra Labs' at their own discretion.